The mission of Guiding Light Child Placement Agency & Therapeutic Foster Care program is to promote the well-being of children. We provide nurturing care to children from birth to 17 years of age through foster care, unplanned pregnancy and residential treatment services.
Bringing Loving Homes to Children in Need
Support Services
An individualized plan of service is carefully developed for each foster child within 30 days of placement. Progress/needs of the child are reviewed quarterly by a consultant team.
Therapeutic Intervention
Individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, behavior modification, educational planning, crisis intervention, and psychiatric services to include monthly medication review and training foster parents on psychoactive medication.
Ongoing case management services including home visits, meetings with the child and foster family to discuss progress and treatment needs.
Preparation of Foster Families
All prospective foster parents are required to attend specific training, to include Behavior Intervention, CPR and First Aid. In addition to these pre-service training hours, foster parents must also complete a required number of annual training hours relevant to foster parenting each year.
Foster parents are provided a daily reimbursement for the care of the child in their home.
Initial, periodic and ongoing needs-based examinations and services are provided for the foster child.
Foster Children attend public school. If special education is necessary, the case manager and/or foster parent will ensure appropriate individual educational plan is developed.
Children served
Who we serve
Children who are abused and neglected (physically, emotionally and/or sexually).
Children served by public agencies that requires assist ance when parents are unable to meet their special needs.
Children who have become involved in the juvenile justice process through the court system.
Young people who have experienced neglect and are reaching out for someone who cares.
Young people who are psychiatrically and emotionally disturbed and exhibit inappropriate behaviors.
Children who may have alcohol or drug related problems.
Children between birth and age seventeen.
MAke a difference and apply today
Foster Care Requirements: Make a Difference Today
Thank you for considering becoming a foster parent with Guiding Light Child Placement Agency. Our requirements ensure that the children in our care are placed in safe and loving homes, and that our foster parents are fully prepared for their responsibilities. Please read below for our requirements to become a foster parent.